Tech Education

Drexel teachers and pupils are providing new learning experiences and resources for the classroom with cutting-edge technology. From virtuelle realität to portable application technology, the University is normally embracing emerging technologies that can help students uncover better and more proficiently.

From educating kids with special must using online games for learning, tech teachers are looking at approaches to use the most innovative tools to give college students a more individualized and interesting experience. They’re also exploring ways to help address the national STEM tutor shortage.

The Drexel Training Technology Group (ITG) is offering a series of teaching opportunities just for instructors to find out how to use eLearning tools such as Drexel Learn, Blackboard, Microsoft 365 and Camtasia. Ideal to start sessions happen to be open to faculty and staff members and will be saved in E220.

For your complete program of the workout sessions, visit the ITG website.

Drexel University is among the few organizations to house the two the depth and breadth of computing and information scientific discipline research in a single college. The College of Computing & Informatics (CCI) offers both undergrad and graduate degrees that cover every aspects of the field, including big data analytics, data science, computer system science, informatics and more.

Your research of CCI faculty and students can be expansive, interdisciplinary and collaborative. It is designed by different epistemologies and methodologies, with an alignment towards value and sociable justice. It truly is guided by best practices just for responsible grants stewardship and individuals subjects protocol control.

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